press kit

the endless confetti story

The endless confetti podcast was created and is hosted by Amanda Odum. Amanda is an avid diamond painter and is active in many online forums for diamond art enthusiasts. Podcast recommendations are a frequent request between diamond painters, as they make for great listening while crafting. After polling several groups of self-proclaimed diamond art addicts, Amanda learned that there is a demand for high-quality content related to diamond painting, and set out to create a podcast just for addicts like herself.

podcast format

Podcast episodes feature guest interviews with artists/designers, content creators, and businesses relevant to the diamond art community. Each episode is under an hour, with bonus content made available to podcast supporters when possible.

Our podcast episodes will be forever free for anyone to listen and/or subscribe and currently contain no advertisements. Advertisements may be included in future episodes as we are currently accepting new sponsor partnerships, but will be limited and placed as to not detract from the overall listener experience. For more information on partnering with us, please see the sponsorship section below.

podcast audience

The endless confetti podcast is intended for adult listeners who are interested in the diamond painting craft hobby and related topics. While our content is considered family friendly, adult language may occasionally be used.

season 1 launch date

The endless confetti podcast plans to release new episodes beginning October 3rd, 2023.

content release schedule

Full episodes will release weekly on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time.Β Β Each season will include at least ten (10) weekly episodes.

affiliate marketing

The endless confetti podcast and its host are marketing affiliates of several providers of goods and services including those listed below. Any purchase made utilizing a link provided by endless confetti may result in a small commission payment or credit for us at no cost to you. We encourage you to show support by purchasing via our affiliate links when possible.


The endless confetti podcast is actively seeking partnerships for paid or in-kind advertising that will add value for our audience. Please contact us to discuss opportunities via email atΒ


Our podcast is supported by listeners and readers like you. Your contributions help offset podcast costs to the host such as equipment and monthly service fees. You can support us for free by following/liking/sharing our posts on social media, purchasing through our affiliate links, and recommending us to your diamond painting friends and family. You can also click below to make a donation and/or become a patron of the show.

about the host

Headshot of Amanda Odum, host and creator of endless confetti

amanda odum

host + creator

Amanda is the creator, producer, and host ofΒ endless confetti, the diamond painting podcast. Her love affair with diamond art began in 2023 after reading online about the benefitsΒ  for neurodivergents and people suffering from anxiety disorders like herself.Β Β 

A native of North Carolina, Amanda currently lives in the greater Raleigh-Durham area.Β  She shares an old house with her partner, Nick, and three rescued hound dogs. When she’s not covered in drills (squares only!), she is busy reading, playing tennis, or trying a new recipe.

season 1, episode 0: trailer

find endless confetti online

download and subscribe

Listen on the podcast pageΒ of our website and/or subscribe on any major podcast streaming service linked below.

Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsAmazon MusicAmazon AlexaTuneInPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodcast AddictDeezerListen NotesGoodpodsPodfriendCastroOvercastBuzzsproutRSS

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contact us

For questions, concerns, comments, suggestions, or any other inquiries, please email us at, or fill out our contact form by clicking the button below.

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